tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 35300
contest winner
getting back into my poetry grind

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"Short Prize"


just different

Views: 70
Temporary prize is an Temporary sensation on an short path of unrealization of an "short prize" of an unthinkable temptation Temporary thoughts are an contest of fear trying to win an grade, trying to win the race of inseparable escape

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Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

nice work

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Tiffanyr says:

Thanks Coalhouse I appreciate it.

Babalo5 says:

Indeed, thus be "temporary thoughts" in the need of immediate eternal awareness. Thus, be this immediate needed awareness write. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE, Babalo5 (aka, mlowe5).

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Tiffanyr says:

I definitely try to use faith as an outside awareness.

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