Sian1952 | Poetry Vibe
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Ethnic Memory



Views: 105
  1. I feel your pain
  2. smell the swelter that rises on a
  3. afternoon in a wooden slave shack
  4. hear chains in the metal sweat box,
  5. a human bake oven,
  6. fueled by the intense heat of a day’s hatred
  7. shiny backs stinging with salt, blood, and earth under a relentless southern sun
  8. as Miss Lillie fans herself in a shaded knoll.
  9. Your back ached,
  10. deformed by subservience,
  11. shoulders sloped like some fourth-class non-human,
  12. as you cut the cane that kept Miss Lillie.
  13. This was wretchedness   
  14. locusts whistling in merciless highs
  15. and the humidity of rivers kissing your pores
  16. 200-years, not long
  17. slavery’s undefinable sadness still exists
  18. What would I have been?
  19. field hand
  20. breeder
  21. cook
  22. mistress
  23. wet nurse
  24. rebel
  25. house servant
  26. runaway who was hung or punished
  27. Suppose I was born with a handicap or blind, incapable of physical servitude
  28. unfit for sale
  29. Would they drown me as a child?
  30. That may have been a blessing.

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love_supreme says:

I love this one. Excellent write.

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