tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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"Sensual not Sexual"


just different

Views: 75
Objectifying the viewpoint of the creation of God image was men's lust to drive up their powers within their egos We are viewed as pawns trophy's for just the eyes of temptation of dopamine for entertainment purposes only We are eye candy an object to toss in the sea of fantasy world Let's stand up prove a point, show we are more than our bodies, more than society standards We are mothers, sisters, friends and mature Remember we can be " Sensual not Sexual ", intellectual and mature

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love_supreme says:

I could feel this one. Excellent write.

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Bragee says:

Woman is the key to all the great things in the universe

Tiffanyr says:

I'm so honored that you can feel my poem @love_supreme

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Tiffanyr says:

@bragee I couldn't agree more.

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