ts735bSTUDENT10pinz! | Poetry Vibe
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Upon the precipice of an abyss


long distance

Views: 36

I stand able, eager, & ready to jump
impossible mission to swallow lump
muscles primed analogous to pump
prayer for soft landing on mine rump
bereft this johnny come lately trump
petting and donning shock absorber
outsmarts demonic imp with whomp

into the arms of an angel I land safe
& sound given another lease on life
in my heart of hearts diamond in the
rough façade ace of spade wannabe
join culture club all decked out as a
joker in the stack of playing cards.

All jesting aside suicide grave issue
buzzfeeding grim reaper he makes
a killing collecting grateful dead cad
havers riddled with bullets or placid
without a trace of violent self abuse
and nearly counted me among his
catch of the day back many years
when yours truly did segway from
the sixth grade taught by Rita Gay
née Rinderle, and student teacher
Miss Rainbow before Henry Kline
Boyer Elementary repurposed into
Play & Learn, anyway the transition
to Methacton Junior High School
found me fraught with considerable
anguish and represented nadir of
mein kampf, whereat no matter I
experienced rumbly in tumblies,
& encountered other kids asking
me all kinds of question, some of
them querying me if lunch meal
skipped for religious reasons, but
no response forthcoming from me
undersized extremely introverted
seventh grader, who yearned for
mommy rather than being teased
& repeatedly peppered analogous
to paparazzi hammering questions
so glad when lunchtime ended but
not so much childhood, cuz writer
of these words wanted to remain
a little boy, & thought by not eating
despite starving to death..., though
my mother (being an accredited
licensed practical nurse) whipped
up nutritious drinks adding various
and sundry healthful ingredients
blended consistency of smoothie
quickly witnessed consuming the
milkshake like beverage into ritual
whereat, I used plastic cap linkedin
with liquid medicines and poured
a dollop of thick secret formulated
drink into measuring thingamabob
which process (albeit ritual) quickly
consumed hours, but hay given a
reprieve from the arduous rigors of
being assigned into section 7B1,
(the three highest divisions being
7A1, 7A2, & 7A3) & undergoing
psychiatric treatment courtesy Ted
Goldberg (he prescribed Mellaril
and Elavil to combat depression
afflicting so young a lad) scheduled
weekly appointments, where yours
truly (me) remained mum, yet I did
respond with a flickr of positiveness
particularly when select board games
suggested, which elicited non verbal
reaction, & thanks to Milton Bradley
Company camaraderie inexorably
got drawn out initially exhibited thru
monosyllables months after starting
therapy aforementioned professional
kindled courtesy application of tinder
loving care found noticeable joie de

vivre from one challenging little boy.

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