mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 379



In the deep winter womb of mind

the heart yet glows

with fervent warmth

of hope un-died;

hope un-denied—

in due season to come,

faith firmly fitted for the testing.


Though life’s winding stairway

seem to veil much—

we are children of the sun—

under which all revelations

are reflected yesterday, today

and tomorrow’s tomorrows;

come let us continue to plow the way.


Let us rise and continue to sow pregnant seeds

in the fertile rows the struggle has bumped

and folded on the face of mother earth;

let us continue to mulch the seedlings

of our visions in the fields of our dreams

that we may yet reap ripening fruits

of our promised emancipation.


When the harvest is plentiful

so equally must be the reapers

that our plow sheds not be abandoned

burdens of emptiness ghost dreams left;

nor like crack shells that once housed eggs

that life left stuck in the mud of fear; rather

let us walk the footsteps dried in fear’s mud.


Let us not to be the children of Sisyphus;

for rocks, like their statues, can’t grow;

we are children of the tree of resurrection

destined not to wander the proverbial desert

but to fly to the mountain top on phoenix wings

and swoop down in due season into the valley

and grasp in our mighty talons, heinous injustice.






Indeed, no lie can live forever—

the winter chill of injustice

shall become as ice in the presence

of the rising Sun coming like Joshua

to the walls of Jericho—melting “in-“

leaving “justice” flowing like a mighty river

cascading into the sea of redemption.


So let us not wallow in the weakness of despair;

and be not  in distress, for in due time

we shall be delivered…from lying lips and deceitful

tongues…as if by two-headed arrows

balancing new scales of justice; the all seeing eye

watching from up on high and in due season, surely

spring and hope shall usher in freedom, peace and love. 

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LP45 says:

Mlowe5, this is an incredibly awesome write. It hit deep in the mind and soul. Highly inspirational with a Gibraltar foundation. The more I read, the more I'm encouraged to write. I appreciate you sharing this. Peace.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thank you Ladypoet45 for your read and generous feedback. Please know that I have likewise gained inspiration from your writings. May God continue to bless us and our kind with pregnant poetic minds. Peace and Love, Mlowe5.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Many, many thanks, love_supreme, for the read and SNAPS. Your continuous support and inspiration are most appreciated. Peace and Love. mlowe5.

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