ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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An overture For Friendship i try to allure.

A hundred kilograms of coffee, a hundred liters of rum,
a hundred cartons of cigarettes. A bathtub full of shotgun
shells served as telltale signs of partiers gone wild.These
randomly dispersed materials strewn helter skelter across
the kaleidoscope colored apartment colored walls obscured bacchanalian and brutal crime yet to be discovered by
Mattlock Holmes when called to investigate the remains
of a promising young student. What began as an innocent
cause for celebration quickly evolved into an uncontrol
able melee aided in part with the lethal combination of
distilled liquor and weapons of firearms. The curling
smoke from countless smokes plus filled the frat house
with a thick pall that obscured the slew of broken bottles
randomly scattered and obscured yet to be discovered
murder spree of violence that would be brought to light.

As the pall of choking nicotine by product filtered out
the opened windows, an ashen ghostly reaction evidenced
upon the countenance of this expert sleuth and his side
kick Guy “Scott” Noir whose perch affixed atop the
ACME building. They witnessed gruesome gnarled hu
man forms (some burned beyond recognition others
punctured with countless bullet holes) frozen in their
respective final moment of agony. Once in an upright
pose, the de facto leader probably received the first
standing ovation! An erect and more upright posture
stepped up the advantages, which ironically enough
set the stage for one after the other epic tragic odyssey. 
In the end one nasty, shortish, brute could end up wiel
ding a bigger club, rattle a sharper saber and sadly
and lastly fire off a deadlier handgun. Difficult if not
well nigh impossible to discern any traceable clue of
such demonic motives in the rather cute and furrowed
brow, heart and soul of those young men and women
that happened to be above average. Like overgrown
children egging and shill lacking the faux “enemy”
for a zealous fight (in this case the high jinx game),
that lethal brinkmanship set in motion an irreversible
lethal deadly assault. Forsooth thy willowy young lass
childhood sweetheart and newfound Frankenstorm
bride (aka Sandy) long gone bonnie oh abeyance
promulgated by Prometheus reigning eternal radiation
to glow no more splendiferous raiment nor sylvan
paradise bloweth gale like from thine beau. This
expert forensic crew (no matter untold years as har
den dah Scotland Yards most seasoned pros) experi
enced a collective gasp of horror at the gruesome
sight that rent asunder mere “kids” into at least a
millions little pieces of human flotsam and jetsam. 
Hot vicious thermal winds blew the thick mass of
cremated ashes across the rubble strewn and severely
cratered domicile. The devil made mince meat as
like one huge lumbering ogre and grim reaper like
a not so jolly green giant did slay good will to all
men and spat out pox with an emphatic nay tri ump
phing over godly salvation using eponymous accursed
pitchfork made merry and rolled in the hay simul
taneously sneering out in delight at wanton death
and decay whereby civilization forever mutilated
and perforated and spindled world wide web where
once proud and strong spikes radiated now sundered
in total chaotic disarray.



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