KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Greek gods playing Chess(Pawn style freestyle)



Views: 379


Something has shook the great but no good country, I'm not talking about tennis shoes, but I'm talking the Greek Goddess Nike, she came out of no where, now the races of humanity are fighting.

It's her Job to cause strife and to reward a Victor, grant them glory and fame, the recipient of that award goes to Alpha Phi Kaep, yeah that's his name

Sororities and sorcerers playing games, people keep falling for the same, a play on emotions causing the sheeple tons of emotional pains.

That's truly a shame!

But who is to blame?!

We're playing chess not checkers, let me explain the game. The masses are the pawns and the prophetic poets are the true and rightful Kings and Queens.

We are being manipulated by Kneeling Knights, a real man never kneels or bows before another man, only God is worthy of that type of submission.

How can you protect yourself kneeling when someone is standing right over you pushing your head down into your lap?! This is not a Diss but true leaders don't follow the ways of Kaep!

We stand tall and put our fist in the air and if necessary that fist will come down faster than the speed of lightning and crush the wicked for their deceitfulness.

You see we are born on a horizontal plane and as we evolve we begin to resurrect and become vertical and upright, a tree never takes a knee or a downturn it continues to gravitate towards the light and grow effortlessly,

the human being is created in that same nature. Only difference is that other humans and deceivers are purposely manipulating our growth.

Only knowledge can challenge heartless cowards.


 Every word that you speak, look it up in the dictionary and see what it means, that's the difference between a pawn in the game and a race saving King. He sees things that his people don't see!

How can a pawn protect a Queen?!

They can't because every move is the wrong move, they will never be free to protect such a thing, they go out first, they'll never visualize even being free.

Just content with what's happening and giving birth to other pawn seeds.

I'm not going out like that, no never not me, wisdom and intelligence is the attire of a King.

Not to even mention the Greek freak on the cover of your favorite CD, I'm talking about NBA 2k19, it's all in our faces open your 3rd eye and begin to see and dissect things, the Greeks are hitting us with Knowledge that they learned from the Egyptians.


We're headed straight for a second Civil War on America's turf, recipe for that pot of hatred is boiling and ready to burst

because the races don't understand that they are pawns in a game that was created by a few elite bankers and systems who want complete power over humanity.

Think about that!

No morals and no values are the recipes for disaster.

Even our creator gave us freewill, but mortals are trying to take it away. A belief in philosophies, ideaologies and outrageous theories are the icing on the cake for the most powerful nation on earth to start its decay, it is already too late, sad to say but America like all of the other ancient empires have had its day, desolation and ruins await you, this is your fate.

King Qadar Dwon'

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mrmelody7 says:

Epic journey epic write King you break things down so nicely so many worthy parables throughout one for the ages King bridging the ancient with the present yo you got it together King and thats a check mate
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

@MrMelody thank you King! You know I'm always humbled and honored to receive your feedback.. When things come to my mind, I just have to share it. Someone may need to see it.. This one was special because it explains why so much strife is going on today, this is spiritual warfare and people must know the Truth...

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LP45 says:

Great write KQD.
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The Immortal Wize says:

POWERFUL TRUTH! I could not have said it better myself, stay vigil
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow! Pounding. White pawns; Black pawns. Every Nike worn, burned or whatever...$$$$$$$$$$. Tell it my Brother! Tell it! Peace and Love, King. Thanks for sharing this Light, mlowe5

kcaliber says:

this is amazing!

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