RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
Elevation comes from within!

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Views: 487

This piece is dedicated to:

Atatiana Jefferson and Botham Jean, and all fallen soldiers who were unjustly killed by police.

Comin for me guns drawn, what's the cause?

EYE pause...

Peep the plot to exterminate dark skin fate. Not safe in our own homes, bullets roam from hot barrels held in hands of boyz in blue. Constantly aimed at you ready to shoot it

Black lives matter a joke!

Choke back narratives of transparency when lives are apparently terminated locked in gun sites. Center mass in sight squeeze triggers that delivers death sentences in an instant

Defenseless against eyes that see melanin skin tones as a threat, your far fetched ideologies fear we threaten your power

As we're killed

Every year...

Every month...


Every awakening hour...

Cower inside when red and blue lights trail behind our cars, thinking will EYE make it home?

But home these days not safe, lives are erased behind doors and streets, knee deep in sh@t everywhere we go

Weary of hearing dialogue and excuses, as a family looses another loved one, by the gun your suppose to serve and protect

Mind complexed...

Wondering will EYE be next, sealed in body bag and tagged

Another statistic...

Another story...

Another allegory tale, when police sirens wails coming for you







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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A well timed allegory poem Sir! Well penned. We are on the same mental poetic page of truth! Thanks for sharing this post. When you get a chance, check out my "Black Deforestation: Peace and Love, Mlowe5

RonnieL says:

@mlowe5 Thank you sir! EYE will make it a point to read it!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

One! Peace and Love.

Elvan says:

This is a wonderful statement of our situation in today's America; where uncertainty lies in each police interaction. We have a right to be afraid and they attempt to steal this away from us by claiming a deep seated fear of us, no an irrational fear of us for the injustice we have been served; while their real fear is us rising up. Peace

RonnieL says:

@Elvan..Thank you sir I value your viewpoint and feedback. Our character is challenged, but we must continue to elevate beyond the madness! RonnnieL

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