I have always been about Black Poetry Sites Please tell me you are reading this because you absolutely love black poetry sites. I did a complete deep dive on Poetry Vibe and I am providing my perspective on it.
If you are reading this for the first time, I wanted to personally welcome to Poetry Vibe, your ultimate destination for exploring the beauty, depth, and richness of poetry. Our mission is to honor and uplift voices that have shaped the poetic landscape. Join us in celebrating 250 years of African American poetry, a powerful tradition that continues to inspire, educate, and connect people across generations. I think we have been writing poetry our entire lives and looking for the write combination of words that moves and inspires us to do more and to be more. I feel the power in my heart and soul and I take a piece of that everywhere. I really live this and not just talk about it.
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Exceed Limitations I am here hoping you exceed all of your limitations. We were all meant for something greater and the truth of the matter is that you have accomplished everything you have set out for.
Now you need to set out for something more, something that is greater than you. So much so that it makes you tremble when you think or talk about it.
The time to play small is over and you can truly recognize your greatness. I saw it in you and then hopefully you can see it in yourself.
Floating Images How in the world did we get here, to the point where we see ourselves as floating images of things we could have been, the acts we could have done and the myriad of other things that just seem to escape us. We are a positive force in this world and somehow it has been diluted.
We are untreated water flowing in a universe of our own making. There is power in our will to be more than we thought we could be. We boldly created our world and we can boldly change it to a design of our true making.
We have the power!
Fireball Im on fire and still on fire for 2025. I came to write excellent poetry and your opinion really doesnt matter. I already think Im great, I just needed a witness. I do want you to know that I appreciate you. The is ours so Im not being greedy about it. We definitely have work to do and I look forward to it.
I want you to keep your fireball hot and lets keep moving forward.
This year, all the ones before and all the ones after were meant for us so lets make it happen.
Glass House I keep throwing rocks from the glass house. I still havent learned my lesson yet. I dont think my ego is strong enough to make it to the end of that journey. That requires faith and I have been exposed to too many things that fell outside the word of God. I was in a spiral of my own design and intertwined in that endeavor was my ego. I was giving it too much room to breathe and I should have just choked it out.
Left it gasping for air or whatever it was holding on to. I was a willing participant in my own demise and at once I could win if I could just close my eyes.
Poetry Vibe Isnt this what you asked for? This is definitely a poerty vibe and the one thing we need to be is here for each other. Truth be told, I am glad you are here. I have been looking forward to seeing you all day. I have a master plan and it doesnt include any masters. You are the captain of your soul and we are going to need it if we are going to get to the next level.
Somehow I knew you would level up. If you are reading this, this may sound like a jibber of jabber but you are ultimately part of our exodus to something much greater than ourselves. So once again, I thank you for being here.
Thanksgiving Poems Is it too late for me to still be thankful. I can keep spewing these Thanksgiving poems and I say them with a prose that show my true admiration of the things that are and what they could be. I see the future today and I am like-minded and focused on an excellent result. I was completely thankful and humble in my personal life but completely ruthless in my business.
At least I tried to be and I wasn't quite getting the results that I wanted. I was operating on options and now I am going to turn the page. Now I want things to be a burning obsessions of things that should have been and will be. I want to hear the conviction in my own voice and I want you to be a witness.
My words like my teeth are jagged and that is just the right consistency that I need for a bloody result. There will be blood in the streets because I dont need to win and I dont want to win. I absolutely have no choice but to win.
Words Of Wisdom I wish I had the words of wisdom to transform this world into something different. And by different I mean a world where you could achieve your highest aspirations. It always seems like you are one moment closer to achieving your goals whatever they may be.
We are still operating on Gods time so the result you are looking for, you have to already see it.
Do you see it? I mean really see it and feel it. If that is the case, then it is yours.
beautiful poems about life I think that all I have ever wanted to do is write beautiful poems about life. I was living it and I was grateful for the everlasting spirit that gave me this gift. Every day I say "thank you." I don't think I could have shared this world with better people. I found the good in all people even when it proved otherwise.
Come get you some! There is plenty of life for the taking and you should definitely be a part of this.
Slip and Fall I just had a slip and fall, I looked into your eyes and knew instantly where I wanted to be. I was being a fascists and not a reserved one. I threw all my reservations out the door and in the end there I was, a boy staring at a girl to the point of stupidities sake. I was being pulled forward and backward and all directions in between and in the middle of it all was you at the center of my world.
Thank you for everything that is you and htat makes me a part of you. I could have seen teh world dfiferently but I am glad I had the opportunity to see it with you.