scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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If they knew Prt.1



Views: 215

If they knew how much their encouragement theybring positivity to me. We can only help but be happy with themselves. If they knew they strength n ability , how much further ahead they'll be as they push through all the struggles, challenges and storms too. They will better and proud of you too. If they knew how much it meant sitting next to them talking, reminiscin, n learning things about them too. If they knew how much your helping hand means. Their consideration n checking in to see how their doing. Maybe an apology when their wrong that's meaningful and followed through upon. If they knew how holdin in their feelings felt . just to find another way to avoid giving life to someone's pain. Being the bearer of good news instead of bad news. If they knew how it feels to share and have their love and attention it would be something different. Maybe almost another dimension. Their intentions seem pure. If they knew how it felt being put down, criticized. Nothing they do is good enough, they might cry or be confused cus everything you try to do , to someone its nothing new..if they knew they were worth it. Knew that they deserve it. Or that even though you're not perfect their wanted.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Positively ...perfect... to be loved

Scash102 says:

Thank you

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