Poetic Justice | Poetry Vibe
Poetic Justice
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Black Girl Dad


first love

Views: 104
Protecting the black woman. Our father's are our first love, protector, and hero. The safest place in the 🌎 is in his presence bc he will safeguard us with his life against any and everything! Throughout life we open our hearts to men hoping to find the right one who'll not only receive, and accept us unconditionally with love while protecting us with their spirit. What happens when the person you love most can't protect you? From themselves? Do you settle for mediocre love bc your safe place is more secure than any other hearts realm? Do you patiently wait for your turn to walk through a revolving door of equally visioned women bc one day you hope they'll value you more than in that moment you value yourself? How do you lay comfortably in the essence of the presence of anothers shadow? How can u walk around in the aromatic, visual signs that other's occupy the same space, and your legs are opened as you watch him protect himself from you while ripping open the condoms left behind from a shared pack.. same contraceptive.. different girl.. but he's your world? Does that make the invincible.. invisible? Your heart skips a beat.. do you save that rhythmic pattern to avoid a heart attack? Bc his will never beat for.. you? Is it okay to be the bandage that stops the bleeding while the accepting rejection tears a whole through you? Love doesn't hurt.. black woman.. or does it? Honesty, modesty, and humility.. how can you provide peace.. when you're only their piece? No expectations, equal no limitations on how much they devalue you.. the valuable, priceless you! Who protects the black woman.. born from his rib.. yet I'm the one who gives life.. I.. give..life! Then I breed and breathe it into him. You teach me how to love myself.. through the experience of loving you..not loving me..but just enough to say that you love me! So safe that we become immune and oblivious to what true, unconditional love feels like in our daddy's arms. When did the black men we birthed become the same ones to forget our true worth? One day we won't be here and that very same heart you took for granted will be the purest form of awareness and the sense of emptiness will rock you to your core.. .mind, body, and soul! There's only going to be one time that they all align bc we are the mother of nature. And you'll spend the rest of your life craving what you already had but you never really wanted. And the only thing that makes it sad.. is owning, and housing that heart if you're a #BLACKGIRLDAD One day she may grow up to be me.... It's Moaning Chronicles of The Heart.. A.Taylor

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LP45 says:

Nice write Poetic Justice. Thanks for sharing.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Powerful, Poetic Justice! Thanks for the share. Peace and Love, mlowe5
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Coalhouse says:


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