naze00011 | Poetry Vibe
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Rocking myself to sleep



Views: 79

Rocking myself to sleep

Oh, how this hurts....
It hurts so bad I can not even cry and even if I cried you still don't see the harm that you have done on my life. You still don't see that you have overacted to end this beautiful thing.

I have been rocking myself to sleep for almost a week.

My eyes swollen,
my heart is broken,

my voice cracks and breaks,
my former lover oh, how my heart breaks.

Moments of confusion,

my insides are a unstable fusion.

How can I fix this when my mine and heart says to let this be.

Because we will face this brick wall again when you feel that I am not given all that I have already given.

But you ask me if I am o.k. yet you know that I am not.

I am hurting allot!!

I am rocking myself back n forth for hours still my body feels that it can't go anymore.

Why has this wonderful thing that we have come to an end.
My lover, my companion & my friend all gone in swoop because I didn't for one day communicate with you.

Tonight I will be cradled in a corner torturing myself in thoughts, memories and moments to never be again.

I wish, I pray for angel to lull me to sleep forever and ever again.



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