Dale33Cooper | Poetry Vibe
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Crying Story of Man



Views: 104
"Man cry to the young man. The young Man cry to the teenager. The teenager cry to the Kid. The kid crying for help. They wondering why they been crying for so long. The man say he been hurt so bad that he lost everything in him love, hope, and life. The young man say he been crying because he lost his child he/she was taking away from him. He been done so wrong by it. He feel like his heart is broken. The teenager say, I been crying because my family don't love me. My old brother choke and beaten me almost to death while my mother watch and said nothing. That's the day he wanted to take his life but ask God why me Oh Lord why me. The kid say he been crying because his mother been taking everything out on him because what his father did to her. He told her I never ask to be here. He never gotten love from his mother. The man realize the young man, teenager, and kid is image of him. He over came a lot in his years of living. By Dale Cooper

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mlowe5 says:

Powerful! And having survived it all, to God be the glory. Now should be the mission purpose of engaging in labors of love to help others do likewise. Forward in divine wisdom and guidance. ONE. Peace and Love.

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