love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Struggle Stop



Views: 122

At some point, the struggle has got to stop. We traveled so far and we have quite a way to go. We are born to win and at some point the struggle has got to stop. I said it again because I dont know if you heard me the first time. I hit rewind, come down selector, buck shots. 

However you need to hear the message. I think I was being clear. But fear can play tricks on you. Its played tricks on me and I tried to play them back but the structure was strong. 

I was wrong but faith lead me all the way so I am here to stay. I will keep pushing forward and hope that you are still with me.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Great write. Pushing on together, love_supreme; pushing on! ONE. Peace and aLove.

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