Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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  double ruby
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just different

Views: 131

Seeking sequels of eventuality / There’s a kind of hilarity

As the population dwindles / Into a satirical polarity

Because the hidden ventriloquists / Spewing hate through modern day lyricists

I’m seen as the obscene Socrates /  that secretes secrets of societies

Drunk in sobriety from their notoriety / Continuously trying me

While bribing the divine in me / Has coerced THIS person

To disperse verses, that’ll burn churches / And as the worlds hurt worsens

This ancient scribe must describe why we vie / Against many lies that try

To create catastrophic calamity & tragedy / While encompassing humanity

The wicked & dastardly utilizing violent solidarity / To bring about forced charity

Fallacious deeds of the philanthropic / This Gnostics tri-optic has not forgotten

That we’ve been begotten and have gotten seeds / From the anomalous GOD in me

I am the full representation of an autonomous deed / Vomiting creeds

My biological machinery offers a wonderful scenery / If they believe in me

Not belief as if I’m anything special / But on how we concede to not express conceit

Through this bioelectric organically synthetic vessel / As I continue to spiritually nestle and use words to wrestle devils

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A beautiful thought-provoking poetic flow from your "...bioelectric organically synthetic vessel..." May this blessed cistern continue to flow out to us. 0NEPEACE AND LOVE..

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