thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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Big body Tiny voice


Views: 138

Confidence is something I never possessed for whatever reason I could never obtain such useful prowess I've known self-doubt for damn near my whole life it's a content battle for control between the two of us it

forever reminds me that I'll never be good enough for anybody it tells me I don't deserve to be happy I don't deserve to have a life of my own it tells me that I'm bound to my darkness it tells me I'm shackled by my

depression and that no matter what my sins my failures my mistakes my loneliness my laziness will never be forgiven apparently myself conscience, knows more about me than I know of myself 


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

God's given self-conscientiousness is one thing; and that being imposed as such by others, is another. Two different voices. That tiny voice,...screaming. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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