The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 470200
contest winner 16
contest winner
lightness in the dark
If you're reading this you're it, get with it stay with it don't quit.

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  4 star general
Total poems   3549
Lifetime Views   980445
Total poems - 7 days   9
Total poems - 30 days   27
Total poems - 90 days   89
Total poems - 365 days   256
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Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 219

Hello Poets

I would like to start off
by thaking you all for your
everlasting support through
out the years, I also would
like to ask you to purchase
and read the book that chaged
everything that's if you 
havent already done that 
I challenge you to show your 
support to poetryvibe by posting
the book in your profile
If you support the poetry
shared on the vibe if you
appreciate the platform
provided oder the book 
5.99 on amazon show your
support it's wize to keep 
a dream alive and thriving.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Have agreed with myself to post a poem each day for the rest of the year. will order another copy to share with another friend. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

love_supreme says:

I like this poem.

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