WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 175300
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contest winner
The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Total poems - 365 days   33

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See you when the light’s bright!



Views: 47

I’m so apoplectic, I'm overcome with anger

With the last inauguration, my nation became a stranger

Presidential pardons, billionaires bending backs and knees

Cryptocurrency and AI, inflation will drive up the price of eggs and cheese

The middle class is last, replacing omelets with corn flakes and water

My mother and wife’s past was brighter, compared to the dim future of my only daughter

Trying to make heads from tails, but my conscience asks why bother?

Wild fires burn in California, as snow falls in Louisiana

Used to be a fan of Nelly and Snoop, but I deleted Doggy Style and Country Grammar 

Up is down, wrong is right

Our sticks and stones are useless, as America challenges us to a automatic rifle fight!

So we’re hibernating for the next 4 years, see you when the light’s bright!

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