Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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old days new ways



Views: 363

I apologize

Let me take a moment as I push my pride to the side

At this moment I will not lie

I never flipped pies

That's not to say I wasn't close to dope

I grew up wit it in the bathroom

between the Ajax and soap

Uncle was a phine

daddy was a phine

Aunties sold dope

cousin snorted coke

granny loved Pepsi

Bubba had a stroke

everybody broke

can't even pay the house note

scared to sleep on the flo

roaches took over when the light switch was hit

this is that real s*** that you just had to deal with

even if you were celibate

when it came to money

you would sell a little bit just to make rent

having lights and hot water felt haven sent

the scent of cooked was like tasting the Gospel

I was a bad kid that grewup a good dude

handle a little work with my hands

I remember my first tool

hammer no nails

hands shaking like jelly hope the thing don't jam

it seem so simple

green eggs and ham

really couldn't afford that so we ate spam

life was so can

but you did all you could

to dodge the can

fights were just fights

who got hands!

I used to land more than plane tires

always getting into stuff like go go gadget and MacGyver

trust me ask anybody

I'm no lair

me and my friends used to roll hard like shopping cart tires

hitting bottle licks

get caught have the big hommy come pickup

pretending to be ya pops

I can't stop wont stop

the only crab in the borrow still reaching for the top

until my arms give or my lung burst

ima keep writting this verse

even though it hurts

Moma not doing to good

granny got dementia now she back in the Hood

Lil cousin grew up without a daddy or a Mom granny only thing he had

and me selfish tripping off material s*** I used to have

I haven't cried in years but life so sad

Im glad for ever good bad or indefferent situation I ever had

sometimes I just smile then laugh

if you try to slow down

life just pass yo a$$

so when I remember old times

I tilt the bottle or raise a glass

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xclusive says:

This a dope write...

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royale jones says:

Thank mane
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

OUTSTANDING WORK....royale jones......RESPECT.....ONE....thanks for sharing!
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Dope indeed, I love how this reads this is a winner in my book.

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