tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Elusive Friend



Views: 361

 In the quiet moments of my despair

I sit and wonder who is really there

If not myself, who is it then

This unknown self, who haunts me once again

I knock, I beg, I seek and cry within

For this  unknown self to be my friend

But as always she does hide

Behind the masks I wear inside

So elusive and mistrusting she is of me

The reasons are many that haunt even me

My heart her soul has many times touched

A gentle reminder that she loves me so much

Yes a gentle reminder that she's always there

Even during the times when no one else cares

This self that hides so very deep within

Can only be known every now and then.


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Beautiful piece...this write touches you within, thanks for sharing!

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