PSA to the Children of the Ghetto

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Public service announcement!! TO ALL THE DBOYS, STICKUP KIDS, PROSTITUTES, MURDERERS, GANGSTERS, THIEVES, SHOPLIFTERS, AND ALL CRIMINAL MINDED INDIVIDUALS; WHO THINK THEY CAN DO THE CRIME AND SOMEONE ELSE DO THEIR TIME FOR EM.....YOU AINT SAFE.. i see you mf ers lls No one in the state of SC can (legally) work in any (liscensed) establishment, with out being: *liscensed *certified * or otherwise legally documented to perform the duties (of the job in question) with or without accomodation. therefore, law enforcement officials (Detectives) who try to threaten civilians with criminal prosecution (in order to "sway" us civilians into doing their jobs for them) are actually breaking South Carolina Labor laws.Thats Slave Labor(trying to force us to do their jobs for them with out proper pay), not to mention, life endangerment (retaliation from whoever is implicated in whatever crime) BOTTOM LINE Law enforcement has disillusioned our people (smart, dumb, young, old, thug, lame, white, black, pink, orange,and red ppl alike) into thinking that "BY LAW" we have to do their jobs for them, by telling them who's who and who's doing what... DO NOT believe the hype!!!! The Devil is a LIAR!!!! They are breaking the law by threatening you/me/him/her with prosecution and making false statements ( " SUCH AND SUCH SAID YOU WERE THERE AND YOU KNOW WHO DID WHAT AND WHERE THEY'RE HIDING" , SAID THE PIG) AND to top it all off, they look you dead in the eye and promise that whoever the implicated party is, WILL NOT find out who told....THE EMPTIEST PROMISE YOU WILL EVER HEAR. All the while forgetting to mention the little detail about South Carolina's MOTION OF DISCOVERY LAW WORD OF ADVICE TO THOSE "snitchin and lovin it" "the police CANT, WONT, AND DONT REALLY CARE ABOUT KEEPIN YOU SAFE. wont even try to.... so think reeaaaaallllll loooooooonnnnnggggg and HARD before you sign that dotted line to agree to do a pigs job for them....YOU DONT HAVE TO!!!!! YOU CAN STILL SAVE YOURSELVES!!! PROTECT AND SERVE MY A**!!!

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