Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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...just a thought


just different

Views: 312


just a thought...


a whimsical stream

of reflections brought

screaming through our minds eye

via our deepest, darkest

hopes and fears

having come and gone,

left us drenched in sweat

leaving scars upon our consciousness

if we have not met them square

where we could have faced them,

bravely stood and fought

it is we who've fled, instead...

feeling remorse, perhaps

seeking to atonefor deeds left undone 

drowning in the tears...lest we forget

life lessons taughtover the years

grays and blues

not frightful

considered outright

to be a loss...

tossed from our visual cue

as yet, not quite perfect fruit 

...for its been bruised,

even stolen moments

carry a cost,

lest we forget pain

and suffering


compounded interest

which cannot be erased

but faced... honestly

(not without regret)

we are not excused

for ignorance

our karma unrealized,

perhaps, repeats itself

until we renounce

our misbegotten prize

that portion of a dream

we did not own, but used

perhaps abused by whim

or lack of foresight...



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