Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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No survivors


just different

Views: 152





The night wolf calls its mournful tune. 

Across now silent barren killing fields,

To a lonesome bloodshot moon

A cold wind, roars past...


Blows away the last car

in my train of thought




Over desolate battlefields

where only yesterday hails of bullets, flew

So many tore thru flesh and bone

Found their mark


stripped defiant souls

Of those brave hearted G.I. Joes

Wanting to be genuine heroes


Now that medal...




just as sure as many more fathers

Mothers, others, lovers sisters, brothers,

babies cry

as another trainload of souls lost...

leaves the station

awaiting... time to stop


To be ferried across the wastelands,

With littered corpses,

each lined up neatly beneath a pure white cross

Posing last pictures dressed in old glory

Patriotic songs will be sung,

by both sides


While the replacement players enter the field

Ready to be chambered

each a round


for the next slaughter

Waiting for the next round,


anticipating, scared 


Still others lie in silence

eyes pointed skyward, blank expression

those who have kept their heads

awaiting final inspection


With spit polished boots

Rifles standing guard duty.


You have died well, sons and daughters

Did your duty this day for Uncle Sam

 going home...


Dress blues, on duty 

For the very last time.


Dusted, waxed, coffins...

Perfectly posed corpses, chilled,

Bagged, tagged flagged, a solemn tale,

for some flourishes, bagpipes and drums

as the river Styx is crossed. 




As the steam whistle of hope... 

Starts to wheeze and cough…

As the city streets

explode into violence

Sputters out a final wheeze,

then abruptly chokes

that signals its last moment's warning


Lights flashing in anger, silently screaming

Like a banshee


whoa there slick!


There's danger ahead

you'd best be prepared to stop

But, too late...


Bullets fly 


The heartbeat ceases

With a crash, a thud, a screech and a pop

When the smoke clears

Chalk silhouettes… mark the final resting spot

Both the victim and perpetrator

Dance to death, dressed in blood


Like a wounded elk's

Trying to catch it's last breath

As the hungry wolves

circle excitedly  

Anticipating the impending consummation

Of the hunt, counting down... moments

To the very last breaths of life

doing the dance of death


ready for a fresh kill

again and again


Still, again ride

with the storm...


Even as sirens last wail echoes…

end abruptly

Shadowed whispers call no more


Six pall bearers march in silence

with glazed eyes racing down the path

facing the gangland initiation 

Of the only future they will ever



Teased by their daredevil friends


Brazenly mocking death's door 

Look whose talking



Death awaits








Copyright ©2008 Charles Edward Fields 2



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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A deep and powerful tear-building awareness share. Had to stop several times to energize myself in moving on in the dept of the profound flow of this powerful canvas. Thanks, for the share, my Brother C2. ONE. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, mlowe5. Not sure how you find time to do what you do. The range and depth of your poetic visions are astounding. your messaging and imagery vivid, poignant, hard driving. Working within this platform is not always easy. Keeping track of many of the projects i've started keeps me busy. Doing periodic revisions. is somewhat difficult for me to do.. Often, it's easier to repost than to try to navigate between revision and changing the direction of prior entries. Program incompatibility issues make this more difficult.

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mrmelody7 says:

For the combat soldiers of the USA fighting Miles away in foreign lands If he make it home thats when the real fight starts Uncle Sam and the VA dont do a good job of taking care their Veterans

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Who pays the price??? And when the aftereffects call front and center/those whose goals are just to protect "self-interest" aren't on the hook for the cost... it becomes collateral damage. The history is near endless. The death march is only the beginning.

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