Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 181600
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Midnight Highway


just different

Views: 205





is practiced…


No assurances accepted.

No crooked deal discounts allowed.

Payback comes

swift and strong

All sales are...




Remember back


You had perfected

the practice of Shakedown

Booked no less than first class 

Applied tricknology and backdoor justice

in a parallel reality world

you'd created for yourself...

drank only top-shelf


Ever present during your reign of terror

justice being applied in the shadows

By those who served…


Gave life support

serving pain and suffering


Stretching lies and warping truth

3d fine print to an art

with heartless proficiency


A little voice inside your mind sounds the alarm!

Balls in somebody else's "court" look out!


The evil empire in which you served is bankrupt


All who self-served are lost…


All the blank checks and double-crosses

Have bounced right and left…

Your life-support system has been unplugged


With no one left to give you CPR …or love

You’ve sold your soul so far away and long ago

You can hardly remember having one




Your contact list of… fiends

Used to be extensive… now it’s one

The undertaker…

cause you’re prepaid


First in line for the evil-discount

Thrown in free an upgrade


To a place in hell

Without the least bit of shade


The usual suspects of otherworldly low places.

You’d thought would be there to praise


And eulogize you show their contempt

Since they secretly despised you


Cursed you under their breath and moved on

are the only witnesses having known you’d ever lived


In this trial of ages


Inner visions

Played on the theatre of time/life

God’s Love…


The Present

Karmatic physics

moves like clockwork

Pendulum of justice

is swinging fast and slow

High and low...


Risky business/playing mob boss

Your refusal to settle piled up debts

left unpaid


Unsettled scores of rivals

 open/close doors on a path

leaving no loose ends,


Not extended to serve the undeserving,

But to tie just ends. Makers of broken promises,

Birthing snowballing tides of schemes and lies

Your fate is certain …blowing in the wind


A smell of death/lost consciousness

You are no longer breathing

…add/loss of a heartbeat

Loss of breath


And to think you have done

All you ever wanted to do…

Being crowned KING…




Now you are…




Copyright ©2022 Charles Edward Fields 2


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mrmelody7 says:

Karma plays itself out as I read am picturing the Supreme Court Justices in particular Thomas got nice flow good job on a thinking write
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, mrmelody7. Although Thomas is a broken man in so many ways. And the shoe fits well. the Don no less, so. And the host of followers and wanna bees

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mrmelody7 says:

Quite agree Carrot Top runs the show I remember back n the 70s had a business class business and government our homework everyday was to watch the Watergate trial as soon as John Dean went to rattlin won 40 dollars from my buddy I said Nixon through he said no just like we buddies his buddies will get him off
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Charles2 says:

Repugnicants mob/gang is getting more like the makings of the lynch mob mentality/more extreme.
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mlowe5 says:

A definite karmatic flow to the syndrome of Trumpers seeking to surpass all previous power mongers. Great write, C2. Thanks for the share. ONE. Peace and Love.
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Charles2 says:

Don is just the conductor calling for ticketholders to present their creds to travel with the next trainload of fools on the midnight express bound straight to HELL

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