Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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just different

Views: 230


A gift of/to the universe

From you to me/from me to you

To this space and time i see everything

i’d ever wanted and it's no surprise

We found each other

An uncertain truth to be revealed

...a kiss

 The beginning of every sunrise


A prayer to survive each day's test

A time for us to realign

our peace in mind

To rest our souls/catch our breath...

A further quest to recognize

Make sense of what patterns play

In the shadows of this momentary

Interphase/this positive pulse

of energy shared between us

knowing where to take it

to reap a share of the reward

Which coincide with our winning ways

This living stage of circumstance may provide

And if by chance we rise further above the haze

Like regal birds in flight… soar to greater heights

Embrace our momentary condition,

While we change position in the changing tides

 About each other/as the current of life

Carries us through space-time

At the pace we feel… free

to change the world

With growing anticipation

emotions we show

Together, whenever

we know the other is near

Our spirits rise, in effort

to achieve new heights

On occasion falling in slow-motion/taking pause

Thinking deep/reassessing/going deep

After a dormant phase

Reawakening from suspended animation

Reassured/in our revelations


Improve our interplay/accelerate our pace

A Level-Up in anticipation

Loving stronger/Gaining new blessings

Every moment a new challenge  

Testing patience, skills,

Caressing that point in time/being

In each other which rises in anticipation

Touching ...teasing, drawing nearer

In this dance to life ...searching

Further/deeper, trusting

To each progressive surge

Each merging heartbeats pulse

In our pursuit of passion’s gift

To see us from here to the here-after

In each momentary... Movement

No longer cast adrift

Every motion leaving no footprint, yet

You mirror every pattern this dance


A spirit of romance

Each step, a key to the mosaic

Imbued with the imprint of a spark

Reserved for those

with expert skills

Of stronger will/perhaps

Of more propensity

To seek the thrill




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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A beautiful and inspiring Word Mosaic. Great read. Enjoyed. Good to hear from you, C2. ONE. Peace and Love.

mrmelody7 says:

Mosaic Cosmic charisma a Universal language by a very gifted extraordinary writer
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

mrmelody7, thank you. A work in progress/processing

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