RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 67200
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Elevation comes from within!

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Views: 333


Ink bleed on paper giving life to feelings felt

It flows like blood through veins pumping imagination deep in annals of the mind, creating beauty as it spills

It's hue dark, but words light on page as reader digest content for fulfillment of soul

Ink consistent for it never fail to illuminate visions documented from writer creativity

Function therapeutic releasing words that last forever, for it's worth compelling to the eye of the creator



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mrmelody7 says:

Such beautiful powerful truth

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RonnieL says: my mind nothing but fact. Thank you my fellow poet. Blessings RonnieL

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Poetry is and always will be the art of a legacy, love the tone of this zap of inspiration.

RonnieL says:

@The Poet Wize...I agree with you whole heartedly! Poetry stands the test of time. Thank you for always supporting my art. very near future been selected to do a radio show about my written art. Poets like you keep me going! Blessings RonnieL

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The Immortal Wize says:

Email me the info so I can listen in.

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RonnieL says:

@The Poet problem. When I receive link I'll shoot it to ya! RonnieL

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Shakeeba85 says:

No blood in my veins, only ink!! Nice

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RonnieL says:

@Shakeeba85...Thank u for the comment. Yes as artist ink is our bloodline without a doubt.

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Charles2 says:

remarkable comparison, ink to blood... we were programmed from the beginning, to sing the rhythms of our heartbeats ...drawing, painting, sculpture... music, dance ...lovemaking, even war...

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