RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
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Elevation comes from within!

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Hatred Felt



Views: 1222

Your hatred is felt tighter than nooses around necks of the people you've oppressed, as you revel in the kill for generations

Your hatred spilled blood on lands that you stolen, seeping from lashes on backs that could not hold your scorn

Born in a country that proudly wants me to sing...

"My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty"

Sweet lands that shackled the black hands that built this stolen land, as we were viewed 3/5 less than human in your eyes

Your hatred is felt by false doctrines which states all men are created equal, but till this day we're still divided, multiplied by systematic oppression you provided on a daily basis

Your hatred is felt by your egotistical pride that denied to acknowledge Colin Kaepernick stand as he took one knee, to illustrate the injustices implemented everyday

Your hatred is felt by your diabolical plan to inject the black man with syphilis as you watched his body decay

You gave the red man infected smallpox blankets that eliminated them in grand fashion, you've never held compassion for other races NOT in your DNA

Your hatred is felt as your animalistic jealousy bombed Black Wall street, you unleashed vicious dogs at our feet as we peacefully took a stand holding hands crying for liberation was our decree

Without hesitation you...

Raped our women

Trampled our pride

Invaded foreign lands committing murder and mayhem worldwide

Divided a nation

Implemented separation of church and state

Where is your faith in man, as the hate in your heart will be your downfall

Your hatred is felt...

Your hatred is felt

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after vision says:

it is good to see the strength of your pen my poet. your ink is felt

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hymnagen says:

There are always exceptions but if you google "psychopath" you'll find its definition applies to them collectively, to the letter. Studies show they innately lack empathy for black

poetunleashed says:

powerful piece

xclusive says:

I can feel the passion in this write. Keep it up
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EmpressRee says:

Yes it is felt! and well written through these words. Its like me can't "win"

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Ezell-Dazh says:

In the U.S. All we can change is US

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RonnieL says:

@After vision...thank you for feeling this write!

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RonnieL says:

@Hymnagen....a pychopath mindset is a twisted and sick way to live. Vibrations on the lowest level, thus our frequency as a people must stay high! Thanks as always for the read and comment. Blessings

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RonnieL says:

@poetunleashed....thanks for your comment. Always appreciated.

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RonnieL says:

@xclusive...thanks for taking this piece in and feeling it. As for keeping it up...I will continue expressing feelings into words.

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RonnieL says:

@EmpressRee...much love for reading and committing on my piece...they don't want us to win, but we must continue to fight, and as poets, express and guide others with our words. Blessings

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RonnieL says:

@Ezell-Dazh...FACTS fam. Having knowledge of self is paramount, then move mindsets collectively. Blessings

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LP45 says:

RonnieL, your truth is spoken and felt. Well done sir. Thank you for sharing this.

RonnieL says:

@Ladypoet45....thank you for the read and comment. I myself, my heart can't live in hate. To draining on the soul.

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BlackHeart says:

This piece sums up the black and native experience in America very well and clearly why it hasn't changed much. Yet we are blessed with the strength to carry on...

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The Immortal Wize says:

WOW!!! So proud that you are on my team, Spoken truth!!! @Ezell Dazh you are on point.

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RonnieL says:

@Blackheart...thanks for the read. True indeed, we must carry on and know self to elevate.

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RonnieL says:

@Wize Dom....HUMBLED! Thank you for the read and comment. Amazed by the team of poets on this site, and honored to be amongst them. Blessings

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WarriorCarryingWater says:

The power in this peice is undeniable - terrific capture!

RonnieL says: respect. This piece was a major release for me, cathartic if you will. So much hate and negativity in this earthly realm. Have to shake it!

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Kingqadardwon' says:

Man man man... Super profound.. Only in the Hells of North America.. powerful and truthfu, moved some mountains on this one. Excellent write...

RonnieL says:

@Kingqadardwon...honored by your views on this scribe. Had to express what's the REAL! Wide Awake!

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alexiscoon4135 says:

What I love most about your work is that your pen with complete PURPOSE! You boldly yet beautifully say all of the things that people turn their cheeks to. Amazing work my poet!

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RonnieL says:

@alexiscoon4135...Humbled! I have visions that turn into thoughts and impact full words. I truly thank you for feeling my art. Blessings

love_supreme says:

Wow, this was a real jewel. Excellent prose.

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gmcgee325 says:

Wow... This piece is astonishing! You went far beyond taking a knee with this. Very bold and realistic use of ink 🔥

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