RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
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Elevation comes from within!

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Views: 1095


omnipotent light consumed my being, as soul left body

I would embrace it

Cherish it

Worship it

Bath in its glory

Let it guide me through the universe to the heavens above, forgoing yesterdays, tomorrows, and all preconceived notions

It connect long lost family souls as we swim through the cosmos

We'd play hide and seek in black holes

Ride inside swirling milky ways, letting the galaxy be our infinite playground as once before

It open portals to mysteries untold held tight in bosom of African ancestors, who's teachings proceeded me a thousand years times 4

That light, that beautiful omnipotent light would open doors to eternal bliss, that kisses me on forehead...were third EYE reside

It blanket me with peace eternal as I dance in sun rays, rest in moon waves, gaze into celestial events that's all around me...breathtaking!

That light...

That light my path to God, and God within for we are one, skin kissed by the sun as I wait its arrival


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LP45 says:

This I a a beautiful write RonnieL. Every line was heartfelt. Incredible imagery too. I appreciate you sharing this. Peace and blessings.

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LP45 says:

Forgive the typo. I meant "is a".
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Brillant capture of visuals as usual! This piece got me excited.. This is definitely a serious upgrade from this world's life. Fresh air in the cosmos! Thanks for sharing..

RonnieL says: always thank you for the read and comment.

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RonnieL says:

@Kingqadarwon...thanks for the read fam, hope all is well. Yes...when the time comes this event will be spectacular!

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minayaJ says:

Well written. Different styles bring unknown smiles :)

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mrmelody7 says:

Heavy duty write this type of poetry is in my element

mrmelody7 says:

How they say if, the biggest word in the dictionary

RonnieL says:

@minayaJ....thank you for the kind words.

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RonnieL says:

@mrmelody7......thanks for the comment. Glad you felt this scribe.

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Evaughnn says:

Your words are a whole MOVEMENT! I thoroughly enjoyed every part of this!

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