mrmelody7 | Poetry Vibe


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I Feel So Real and I owe it all to you-Tribute song for my very favorite Singer and Special friend Natalie Cole-still connected-Feel so real Steve Arrington

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21 Degrees Homeless



Views: 371

Grew up in th e steel cold winter time of

Hartford Conn now for years livin in the south

dont get too cold but it does get cold

low in the 20s last few days want you

well to doers to forget about your selfies

for awhile what if thats one of your love ones

trying to survive these cold winter days and nights

dare you to walk in there shoes huddled up bus stop benches

early 2or3 in the morning imagine that while you rared back

watching the tube after a nice hot dinner you see and pass them

on the street but you dont look at them you dont see them would

it hurt to give them a few dollars or some clothing even a warm smile

will help if you say a prayer at night at least think of them ask God to help 21 degrees many folks out their in the elements got to be bonafide miserynAmerica is too good for this to be happening but it is

but with this selfie generation  its not me nothin I can do but it is somehin you can do think if it was you


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The Immortal Wize says:

Very powerful concrete tone many will read but will they listen will they hear, people think it will never happen to them until it happens to them but these are stones that will cry out. You take food away from people somebodies going to get bit. Continue to speak.

mrmelody7 says:

Thank you much it really really sadddens me to see these human beings like that I know what it means to be cold lived in a 3rd floor cold flat as a kid ragety steam radiaters worked sometimes lot of times not we used to throw coats other clothing on top of the four blankets and quilts also been stranded from home 30 miles away 30r4 times

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mlowe5 says:

What a worthwhile pen. Know that there are many who are listen. The other day I asked a towering 15-year old what size shoes he was wear?; he answered they were 13s. Told him I had just passed a Brother on Broad Street, here in Virgina and gave him one of my jackets, but that he needed a pair shoes for the cold ( I wear size 9). That young Black youth reached down and took of his sneakers and said, "Hear Sir, when you see him, give him these. I have another pair in my locker." I grab the young Brother, gave him a hug and said a prayer of thanksgiving! Thanks for sharing this write and shared kindered spirits. Peace and Love. mlowe5.

mrmelody7 says:

Wow thats wonderful people are appreciative everyone not tryin to get over easy to end up in a hard situation thru no fault of their own Yes Sir I know there are good people who care a solid salute to you Sir

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