mrmelody7 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 246900
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I Feel So Real and I owe it all to you-Tribute song for my very favorite Singer and Special friend Natalie Cole-still connected-Feel so real Steve Arrington

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Views: 328

Cauls the medical name   older folks

say veils over the eyes

The name is Joseph though most call me Joe

Was given the name Joseph after the Biblical

Joseph The Dreamer a uncle named  me reason

being The Mom says I was born with veils over both eyes

I was a mid wife child The Mom says after a week she

had to take her fingers and pry my eyes open

Did a lil research about Cauls They say one in 80 thousand

are born with Cauls over their eyes They say a lot of superstions about folks born with Cauls that they will never drown  that they

have a special gift Older folks used to ask me do I see Spirits

I say no but I pick up vibes on folks I can tell when in a crowd

when someone is staring at me I can perceive folks thoughts

and actions when talkin to someone It is the reason my self

published book from 2009 is titled Dreaded 3RD Eye Forehead

May b why I have such a Independent nature of feelin freedom

always surround me There was a time anything I wanted

I could silently attract to me It scared me so I stopped doin

it years ago In ending this there is a song called Let It Shine by a

very favorite artist Santana The song is one of many I know I call Joe songs Tale end of song says Feelin Good knew I would ever since you set me free the song is from LP Amigos great Lp all the way through find it on youtube


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

wow! Very profound. Thanks for the share, mrmelody7. ONE. Peace and Love.

mrmelody7 says:

Fascinating journey I chose to travel Thank U

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