naze00011 | Poetry Vibe
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“Burned our fires”


just different

Views: 93

“Burned our fires”

The smoke was clearing…

A figure crept through.

I thought it was a demon but it was an angel
emerging passed my fires of hurt and pain.

The angel that truly loves me.

Someone told me along time ago
“No one should ever you!”
and they also said that
“You are the giver of destruction!”

That’s why before this angel came in my
life and held me tight I was so dismayed.

The fires burned blissfully for many
years a figure crept through.

I thought that it was another
angel but it was a demon.

The demon that never loved me,
piercing through my happiness
and joy.

Someone told me not so long ago
“You should be loved in anyway and manner
that it can be given!” and they also said
“I inhibit the fragrance of passion!”

The smoke dissipated as the fires that
raged for so long slowly extinguished.

The angel extended their hand
warding off the demon and finally emotions
not felt for what seemed as eons what is
about to embrace me.

I grabbed hold and released all those torturing
despairs and inhaled freedom, eternal freedom.  

Naz’e 11/23/96

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