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Black skin be free


Views: 115

Black skin be free…

Be free to walk the streets, be free to not fear

White men,
Black men,
military and the police

Black skin be free, to love the person of color you see

No to be scrutinized by other races,
other cultures,
and same color couples.

Black skin be free, to not be profiled so viscously.

Whether it be the clothes that I wear,
The style or the color of my hair,
The way in which I am portrayed
by the way I sound, speak or act.

Black skin be free
To roam the earth without the barriers of racism,
vengeance and foolishness be given birth.

Black skin be free
Be free from being discriminated against
because the shade God gave us.

Those that are not this beautiful mocha make
it seem we have a choice of the skin we are in.

Or believe that we are all the
same or come in the same form.

Well why it is not perceived that way for you
at least there are other races and other shades
that don’t get treated this way.

Or let me put in even this way,
other cultures and races still
consider us an inferior race.

Yes, black skin be free
be free to be whomever you want
to be or do what you want to do with
your life with ethics and morality.  

I am in this proud brown skin
And I have no regrets being in it.

Naz’e 8/26/2014

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