My Own Weather The one thing I have always tried to do is bring my weather with me, that is when I figured out it was my weather. This life is not a burden, it is a gift and you have to accept the grace of what it gives you.
I am thankful and grateful. I didnt squander this opportunity and judging by the poets I have been around, I have been in good company.
Long live the poets.
Blink Of A Black Eye Salutations! and then he just punched me in the face. Welcome to the party pal! but this aint die hard so why you try hard. Is it the black skin that makes you think you are winning in the world when you havent even conquered yourself. You are lost and found yourself in front of me. How could this be?
Am I your highest level? Are you my greatest devil?
Because if that is the case, I am doing just fine and and it just became time to give you no time.
All Praise The Most High At some point we all end up in the grave so we eventually bow down to the most high. We live with this gift and we need to make sure we are constantly showing him that we live in love and respect for his immenence. You have to admit that this is the best dream you ever. You are a part of something that defines not only who you are but who we are as well.
I am glad that you traveled this journey with me and if you have the time to spare, I would love if you traveled a bit more.
The Find Out Part I think we reached the find out part of the phase where we told and now you just have to feel the burn. We told you you were sitting on top of the stove and no one lit the burners. Their hand was on the button and just like a little child you wanted to give the benefit of the doubt, they turned the heat up.
But we sitting back chillin' and as much as we tried to get ready, the funniest thing was the look of surprise on your faces when you find out you got played.
I dont even think that let you get the benefit of choosing the song. Da*n that cold.
Burnt Like Bacon I was burnt like bacon, even around the edges were black. I was walking through the world full well knowing that I was not discipline but taught to be obedient. There is a difference. One shows how much fear I have the other shows how much respect I have for myself. I was born in an then left my wealth, someone stole it from me and wrapped it in a system of deceit and dreams. So now it is my nightmares that haunt me and still cant get out of this grease.
Braids I remember there was a time I use to wear braids, I liked the way it made me feel and I was looking at the world the same but a little differently. It was like being connected to something and still somehow devalued. It was my own folks trying to kill me and why would they not, they learned from the best killers in the business.
And it was all business, right from the world black and they ni**ered it up, wrapped it tight psychologically and then wrapped it in chains. Since then, nothing has been the same. Not the prosperity that once was or could have been only a life devalued in an out of sin.
Cranberries He kept staring at me, his eyes looked like blackened cranberries with a mental poverty swagger and no signs of digging himself out of whatever hole he put himself in. His situation was grim and here I am at the strip club trying to look at p*ssy.
I found one, just not the kind I was looking for. I had to check all my pockets to keep an audit of what I had on me. Besides if I got got at the end of the night, I need to know the dollar amount of how much anger I need to muster up.
I looked back, his eyes never shifted and neither did my demeanor. I was a rattlesnack and he didnt realized that we were on the same side of this glass cage. The more I thought about it, the more I was enraged and ultimately what could I do.
The only respectable thing for the place I was in and that was to pay to look at some more p*ssy.
Delayed Response I had a delayed response, life was throwing bullsh*t at me and for a while I just stood there and took it. I was trying to be a good person but I guess that was not just working out. I cared for the world but I had no idea what it was giving me in return.
I was a flaming phoenix, didn't even have time to let the burn let up before they doused me in flames again.
Then I stood up, stood out and then just letting things come off the top and it was not pretty. The truth of it all is that it was not supposed to be.
Scary Movie I thought I was almost scared today, I was living a real life scary movie and had to come to a standard truth. I was really the one they should have been scared of. I knew the truth and lived in it. I let them live the lie, I lived every single day just to watch them die.
I saw them back away from promises that were made in principle only to sink into an abyss of a life that could have been and never was. I was thriving and pushing forward. I knew my worth and I was exercising it. I was hitting mad reps and earning respect all the way there and back.
I am scarier than ever.
Stop Being Nice I did not think I would be one of the people to save this but you need to stop being nice. Sometimes you have to show people that side of you that they dont want to see because it does not fit their needs.
You are not here to fit in. You are here to discover who you truly are. In some cases, that will require that you exercise your will and this include both the light and the dark side. Just know that I believe that there is more light inside of you than darkness and you are leading your soul to a better you.
But sometimes you really have to stop being nice.