TEEDUB815 | Poetry Vibe
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Be Still



Views: 112

If every man or every woman would take ten minutes to pause and close their eyes

I guarantee they'll realize 

How fast the world have become from year to year

It use to be a time when the old could sit back, retire, and relax 

Now, until we die the hustle is real to keep everything we own and receive maximum checks

Millions work like a machine just to get by and by

It's sad to say,

All the years you've made someone else richer and richer

You'll just have pennies to live off of when you retire until the day you die




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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

18 years ago retirement was just a formality. Still working to help ends almost meet. No being still still here! Great write. Right on point. ONE. Peace and Love.

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