love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Wandering Through The World



Views: 159

I have been wondering through the world, not really a destination in mind but always looking out the window and just trying to notice the magic of it all. It is always there when Im looking for it. The world is seeing anything and everything and I am only looking for one thing. Love. 

The kind of love that makes me appreciate my connection to everything that connects the Universe. How can you or I remember someone or someplace in time if we do not connect a feeling to it. What is the best feeling in the world and I would say that is love. 

We were born into it and for it and to deny it is in some way to deny our true longings. 

At least that is what love brought me to, I wonder what it has brought for you.

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mlowe5 says:

Healing grace in eternal labors of love is given now and forever more as I wander through life's living world. ONE. Peace and Love.

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