ari84 | Poetry Vibe
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Beautiful Liar



Views: 166

Look how happy they seem wearing their smiles with so much questionable pride 
Placed on the shelves made of glass they lined up their beautiful golden trophies of lies
Watch how much sadness is carefully repressed behind the laughter of not so funny jokes
Beautiful lies worn gracefully in hopes to fool the audience of folks
Take a glance at the emptiness in the hugs that have drained their love 
Watch how they exaggerate the joy as they continue to pull out the pot from the oven without a glove 
Come and see it for yourself look how well they’ve played their role
Not a soul would know a thing unless one of them told
Where was this going? Where else but to a whirlwind disaster..
As more lies continued to disguise their truth leading it to chaos much faster
Because at the end of it all who could keep up with the lies?
Who could get up everyday and continue to wear such a heavy disguise?
What was the point of performing such a story of pure fiction?
It was almost as the whole thing had become some sort of weird addiction…
Just look at how happy they seemed when they wore smiles with so much questionable pride
Now just look at what it’s become..
With not one spectator by it’s side 


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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A beautiful flowing canvas of such liars. Love the describing message. ONE. Peace and Love.

Newpanther says:

beautiful work...

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