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Your mind and your mouth



Views: 76

You can set the mindset and the tone of how your life will be.  
Yes, you can set the mindset with your thoughts and the tone with your mouth. Guard and protect your mind and speak into existence the life you want. Let’s talk about it.

The mind is very powerful and what you allow to linger on your mind can often affect your mood and attitude, especially if you allow the hurt, the pain and the negativity to linger.  
A person’s level of maturity determines if one moves on or lingers on, so are you lingering?

Don’t you know the Bible talks about both, the mind and the mouth. Here are a couple of verses that speaks on the mind.  
In Romans 8 v 6 it says, “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Just remember, “those who live according to the flesh set their mind on the flesh.”  
And Romans 12 v 2 says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” 

If you want change, then change your mindset. Change your mindset and yo mindset gon change yo situation. Change from that negative thinking and focus on the positive.  
Focus on what is good instead of what is bad.  
Focus on what is right instead of what is wrong.  
Focus on what is working instead of what’s not working. Now when it comes to yo mouth, that tongue… whewww chile!  
That tongue is a powerful tool. It can be a blessing and inspiration and it can also be rude and ruthless.

In Proverbs 18 v 21 it says, “Death and Life is in the power of the tongue.”  
Colossians 4 v 6 says, “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.”  
Psalm 19 v 14 says, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.”

Your words are powerful, very Powerful.  
The atmosphere is listening, so what you keep putting out there is what it will be.  
If you say you broke, guess what? You broke.  
If you sit around and say “things ain’t gon never get better,” well guess what, things ain’t gon never get better.  And then you wondering why things ain’t getting no better, because you thinking it and you speaking it. You tell yo child he’s never going to amount to nothing and then wonder why he didn’t amount to nothing - YOUR WORDS! 

Be impeccable with your words. Use your words to build up, not tear down. Speak success over you and your children. Speak Abundance, speak Favor, speak Healing, Wisdom, Strength, Peace, Overflow. Speak Prosperity over your life. Say, I thank You Father I am financially debt free.

Yes, everyday, speak life into your life. Your mind and your mouth has to be aligned. They both go together. The thoughts on your mind and the words coming out yo mouth has to equal in order for you to see a positive change, because negative words and a negative mindset will never amount to anything positive.

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