tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Your Beautiful:



Views: 425

Scars upon her face, she often hides from the mirrors, often 

feeling disgrace, she runs to her favorite hiding place.

She's been called bad names by people using

her feelings to play games, she crys in secret,

No one knows that she weakend by this treatment.

She wants to be loved for who she is, not from the scars

thats visible on the outside, No one trys to get to know her

from the inside.

She's a mighty ship that's sinking...

She's a star that's falling down....

She believes her scars are not a blessing,

She finds it hard to hold herself up now...

She's been praying...waiting for her life to 

turn around.

She crys and crys, sometimes locking the tears away,

her life in her hands, the people she loved the most placed

her feelings on display.

I'm here to tell this gentel soul, I see what your doing

and what your going through,

the truth is that your beautiful,

dont worry about what's on the outside,

people can be  naive as usual,

they can't see whats on the inside.

I'm amazed by your strenght, 

I'm grateful you can mange  to pull through,

I want to take the time to stop a moment and show 

you my gratitude.

No matter what you go through in life, always remember

your beautiful, no matter what other people think of you,

always remember your beautiful and who ever can't see

that dont deserve to know the real you.

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love_supreme says:

True words. Good write.

sonofsun5211 says:

likes it...

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The Immortal Wize says:

this poem speaks for its self...Beautiful and very, very inspirational.

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tretre says:

Thank you guys for always showing love!! I appericate you all taking time to read my poetry, it really means a lot. I've been deep in thought lately. Thanks again. You all keep that pen movin!
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

OUTSTANDING SOUL-TOUCHING gifted friend...Namaste!!

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