Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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A Cup of Coffee and a Smile, Away



Views: 286

When we speak of eternity...
it all begins with the sparks of humanity
as we express our identity we are inclined to offer one another
a private invitation to climb
through the clouds which separate our thoughts
and the manner of ways we have been taught
…to protect and preserve
what is most precious and valuable to us
what most there is to love about our lives
are the unspoken bonds we share
among those whose self respect and sense of values
may match or perhaps exceed our own
above the space between us
to spend our time and extend our minds
and the passions
which we may find together
when seeing eye to eye
growing with each passing day
over a cup of coffee and a smile
as we ply the depths of this dimension
caught up in the currents of this tide
of these universal streams of realities
entwined in the endless possibility
of whatever it is we are able
to bring to focus
and hold on to
to celebrate life
over these cups of coffee
just me and you
all our hopes,
wishes, prayers and dreams
staging in moment by moment plays
...finding our truth
renewed each and every day
a cup of coffee
...and a smile away

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