Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Commander Salamander, phase two



Views: 339


Hey there Brothers and sisters

i am no man of war...

although, i can be a warrior when need be

Lay your wounded pride, aside...

believe me, we will all need health and strength

if we are to survive

Hold on tight, looks like it’s going to be a bumpy ride

Hang in there, you with the  …shattered ego

To the best of your understanding you have given your all

Hello, mirror souls passing the stone dead shells

Of those who have not survived this round of the fight

Those who surrender, once they're up against the wall

...the doubting minds of those who’d never seen it coming

Proud man, thinking you're better off than undereducated people

check yourself, correct the self righteous stance you portray as if it were a gift

Drop your Ego with a swiftness... cast aside every inclination to hate

now is not the time to be either shiftless or clever 

you'd be amazed how subtle judgement days can be

how simplified the truth becomes when you strip away illusion

the hounds of retribution can detect the presence of evil for days

too late to hide behind the books you'd wished you'd read more of

you must only be responsible enough to pass the test  ...of love

make haste, it's only moments away, before dawn

…till we arrive at the gates of Hell

Don’t forget to pray (we all need to…)

Gathering all our positive energies to help one another in spirit to stay alive,

We’ll need help to save the day  …and we’ve not yet seen the worst

When we realize we are all one people, people knowing deep inside

when we join together  …we’re twice as strong

Hail to all fellow passengers on this journey…

seen from the flipside of our universe

I am so happy to see that you’ve survived

And have not given up, your sense of self control

...drowned in the tide of rising evil


as we rise together in song

and soar with the Spirits of eagles

over troubled worlds  …we’ll see in time

Whitewater rafting

down this raging stream

of life






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