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the Penny: has two Sides


just different

Views: 109

Naz’e and I wrote a poem together, which was actually his idea.  I liked it the instant he suggested it. I have never wrote any poem with anybody, I write solo, as well as he does, and we've been writing for a lot of years but I looked at it as the combining of two great mindz.  We have gone through trials, as well as many of you who may be reading this, but to put our thoughts and feelings into vivid words was a joy to do.  Naz’e is a very talented, breathtaking poet and I read all his stuff and read the comments posted and people dig his stuff so to work with him was a blessing for me.  So this is the end result and I hope you enjoy what we wrote.  His words will be in blue, so you'll know, throughout the poem, those are his wurds and I will be highlighted in red, that’s why I so-called tried to make the title two colors to symbolize at what time the poet may be speaking to give Naz’e credit for his powerful words and vice-versa.  Red means blood and love.  Blue means endurance, or to take an old saying, flows like water, which Naz’e and I do flow alike. Depharoah and I created this poem from his own creativity and he is a master poet in my opinion. I have read most of his work and the only reason why I have not read it all is because we have been collaborating on this poem. Believe me this man is gifted. He has the ability to invoke powerful emotions and passionate devotions, when you read his material you can’t help to feel the pain and the passion and also the triumph that he has prevailed too. This union was a blessing for me because it allowed me to open some closed chambers that I had deep within me  
so from the both of us Enjoy.

the Penny: has two Sides:
by dapharoah69 @ naz’e:
copyright @2005 naz’e and dapharoah.

Side one of da penny:

I, Mistah Larry, placed mah hands deeply in da earth,
found mah rootz and pulled out bones when we met because I was cold, you were alone and we kissed when two souls collided like Jupiter over Pluto and we became the mist; you awakened things in me I suppressed, oppressed I was when you stressed; stressed I was when you were depressed. While you bat your pretty brown eyes and flaunt your insecurities I paid heavily for your past;
our union was tarnished by the sand that cast demons on my skeletons and they became your fascinating trance. Destiny ***ed my fantasy and my woman became my hateful dance. Your hair was soft like melted silk covering Paris; your body reminded me of ancient ruins in Greece broken down from love gone sour but beautiful all the same, giving me peace. You were the gorgeous vamp that demolished my game when I trekked troubled waters and found that I was truly sane. Then darkness came, clouding my brain turning me into rage burdened with the Destroyed Black Man's plague; I went on the rampage, shut you out, treated you like flipping my quarters, to locate my pride and found out that the penny has two sides.

side two of da penny:

then Naz’e found the quarters Larry flipped
walking over the bones he dug up and the
rootz that attached kingz and Queenz at
da hip to find his mark he had a beginning
that seemed to never start
his words...flows:
yes...the penny has two sides
just as there are two sides of either the truth or a lie
there was a point in my life I WANTED TO DIE!
Because that was the point where all those supposed black Queenz had taken me, they are believed to add life and love and pride: but alas all I received was thundering,
showering pain. And my life force was completely drained.
And I would've taken me all of my pain, all of my shame,
and all the other negative emotions that remained.
I said *** my pride there was no reason for me to sustain life. Because I had given life to love and it was taken away. Blown away as far as the spans of outer space. How can women be this way, to always having to have their way. Always never seeing the ugly part of there ways. Allow me to point out an example if I may...
I was the romantic-passionate, the man that treated you as a woman, the man who made love to his woman, the man who respected his woman giving all the flowers, poems, and gifts that other woman would die in envy.
But where was all the same for me!???
Well, I see the gift that I received...
the yelling, the cursing; the fighting, and the less and less of our hearts merging. And also to include to your lovely gifts was the irrational behavior, the narrow-mind ness, the blindness, the one-sided view from you and the constant struggle to not hit the *** outta you. Yes indeed, the penny has two sides. And thus it is known that the penny has two side just as there is a day and night...
But last night I was so confused I thought it was the day
another h flipped a quarter stealing my thunder
and I ended up with tails while soaking and absorbing someone's else's hell: And in sharing that other persons hell I released silent yells, releasing all my anger all my frustration because I’m in this mess’ed up situation; the girl I loved ***ed me and ***ed the men that she knew because they know me but that was just one penny that turned brown. But what she didnt realize was when she ***ed them she didn’t *** me becuz she ***ed herself, I turned her relationship to relation and the wealth I gave her in her heart flipped the penny on the other side of the fence, destroying her health. I was like a vampire traveling through the sun rays and I began to melt, into something sinister, dark and egotistical and now every time I buss I cum another part of her soul from mah heart and now I've become cruel, cold, conceited and something other than logical. And now being this being that some would consider a fiend. I have emerged into another human being.
I am a strong black man that is not going to stand for that bull that has spread throughout the land that is called the “MAD BLACK WOMAN”!
I will no longer bend down and take it from the rear; I am King and deserve to be treated as such. The flipping of the penny has metamorphosed me so much. And while mah brother emerged into anothah human being battling the "Mad Black Woman" I succumb into another type of neo-soul but confusingly sinister human being something you don't understand; when I speak its misconstrued and when I blink your lips get chapped, you judge my mood by the color of mah suits and every time I wear black you tell our bizness to your whorish gurlfriends in the salon saying that I am too young, brainless and like a misguided nation I'm doomed; and you guess and assume I'm anything but savvy because I sometimes wear tank tops with mah church shoes; I cum from the hip of Kingz when I sing songs of lust and seductive creeds, when we met you were classy, church-going, God-fearing and something other than slutty and when I fell in love with you I started over looking pennines on the ground when I walked over you trying to plan a future with a broken heart that will never be mended by fences. Where do my heart start and my pain end mah friend?  You were the breathe that I am still somewhat breathing; you were my world that slowly turned into Persian black pearls, giving mah nuts to squirrels, wearing my faith and my fidelity like dark cloaks with your pumps, and leaving them on when you went behind my back with my money and with my enemy you let him tag dat azz from da back with his Hat to the Back like he was co-producing and becoming the sole writer for a future TLC remix back before their time in 1350 B.C. while kneeling before Akhenaton and sucking the nipple attached to the titty of Nefertiti, but now this must end because I am a King, I am strong, I am wiser, I admit mah faults, I erased "Amen" from every Tomb in Egypt; I shouldn't have been blinded by and mistaking it for your heart, but I carry quarters and silver dollars and Susan B. Anthony is mah new Queen because she love money and I love bling blinging and threw away the penny because its rusty, its too brown, its two-faced and I know what the other side will reveal, and with you stupid like Yoda in Star Wars with mah sabber sword I will never deal.  May da force be with you because mah nuts I call mah family jewels will always be polished, stocked, taken care of and seasoned so one day I can skeet skeet skeet baby princes that will proceed me when I die and become future kingz fulfilling a destiny I may have failed to maintain, carrying mah rusty pennies and shape themselves with the letters of mah name so they can soon die like a vapor and leave behind something Alexander the Great's offspring wish they can copy, master and imitate. And as my brotha cocooned from Alexander the Great and has blossomed to Hannibal that conquered Europe on mere elephants showing as always that the inner strength of black men, as his seeds continue to emerge from princes to Kings, there is no longer this pity and woe that the black woman places on all of us within this world. Because now we buss a nut on their  back spreading those sweetcheeks apart to let our sweet juice drip within the crack and giving a smack and roll over and go to sleep because if it is affection that you want then the door swings both ways baby. You say that’s unfair to act like that but you don’t consider it when I drive the Hugo and your driving the Mercedes, showing off to your fake-friends that on the side they want me in them, because they can see what you don’t see and will never see because of the independent woman that you are always so call being. And caring change in the pocket is no longer an option carrying quarters, nickels, and dimes are a ***ing waste of time. Because dollars is what this world understands especially, especially women, but you’ll get none of these because your narrow minded to the full extent it could be;
I am a Man,
I am a King,
Larry is a Man,
Larry is a King,
we are Men,
we are all Kings
and until you get your straight it’s all about us and all about the hate. So stop flaunting your rusty dusty pennies around because we are men that are conscious of who and what we are. We are as bright as the Orion Nebula star;
never to be considered black holes in any shape or form!!!

Completed work from June 5th- 12th, 2005

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A profound "double dutch" pen of the reflecting flow of the living beauty of both sides of a single heart's beating love. A nice journeying read. ONE. Peace and Love

naze00011 says:

I am so glad that you read the whole poem through, yes, it is a lot but I consider it one of my best poems and also one of my best collaboration.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Peace and Love.

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