Sassy  | Poetry Vibe
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Reach to Me


Views: 158

Through a boy, our son, his own person

His lessons we learn from him & circle like Eagles in protection of his soul

Reach to me 

Across the valant seas and windchimes of New Orleans 

Reach to me 

Leave the scar faded but in heart left from our absent fathers 

Reach to me

His head so beautiful his voice so curious, expecting your warmth and embrace

A father tall with three proud kings

I came the last fallen maiden, the youngest to bear you one more son

With my maturity of heart it is me you whisper to 

That loving the children comes easy

Yet you furrow your brow in despair at the gregarious task of appeasing me 

Do not worry my children you say know love 

Why am I the cleaner of home and holder of your pain when you wrap your arms around me your heart beats on another plain

I'll hoover away tears, pack fears into crockery.  I'll sing to the coming sunshine in his arms gods wrapping of my being 

Until my love as our prince does 

You reach to me. 

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Newpanther says:

Excellent flowatry...

love_supreme says:

Very nice.

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