love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Drifting Into Heartbreak



Views: 191

Its an interesting feeling to be connected to someone and in your heart know that you may be connected to the wrong person. Its like wandering through life and truly missing a part of your life. Its not metaphorically, its like actually missing a part of yourself and all the while wondering where that magically part of you is. 

Forever in the lost and found and no way to retrieve it.

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Mingoao says:

Daaamn, so true. I feel like that everyday. -Peace
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes, it is sometimes hard to open that door of your heart from the outside to look inside when it reminds you that its door can only be opened from the inside. I too, feel you. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.

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