Colette | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 139

There is so much division going on in this country, especially with this election and the White House and Biden and Trump and the Republicans and so forth. OMG, why does everything have to be so competitive and challenging amongst our own country. So many disagreements, lies and heated arguments to prove who’s right and who’s better. It seems to be more about control than anything, but where is the integrity?

In this country it’s like people want to “control” a woman’s right to decide what’s best for HER body. Then you have one candidate saying immigrants are coming to take “Black Jobs.” What’s a “Black Job” in America? I so wanna know. That is such a divisive statement.

Also, it's 2024, there definitely need to be some changes to some of these laws and especially the requirements to the terms and conditions for eligibility for the presidency and also when it comes to our states, because when you have “some” states that do what they want and some abide by the laws and some don’t, then that’s not united. I literally wrote about this 4 years ago in 2020 called “The United States of America,” and here we are 4 years later, still divided.

Why are we even called the “United States” when nothing about us is united? Truth be told, since the name has no meaning (and it doesn't), because we are so divided and we can’t be united and divided at the same time, then we should just be called “States.” Better yet, we should just change our name to “VERSUS.” Yes Versus, because it’s the Republicans versus the Democrats, the blacks versus the whites, the rich versus the poor, good versus evil, right versus wrong, Biden versus Trump, lies versus truth, words versus actions, us versus them, power versus performance, strength versus weaknesses, love versus hate, better versus worse, Red states versus Blue states…

It shouldn’t even be called Red, White and Blue, it should be Red, White and Through, cause I’m so through with all the friction, war of words and bickering. It is such a disgrace and it's embarrassing. I bet other countries are looking at us shaking their head and saying, “whew chile!” It’s like they are watching a low budget movie on tv, Season 10, Episode 8, smh.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

INDEED, COLETTE! A profound awareness canvas of the title of this write. You laid it out just like it is. Tomorrow is July, and November is on the way. We need to get collective understanding of the dilemma and what it is we must do in order to have less of a whole lot to do following the election. Let us continue to pen thought provoking awareness. ONE. PEACE AND LOVE.
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

I hear you loud and clear and you don't have to ask yourself "why am I here" The answer is clear.

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