sonofsun5211 | Poetry Vibe
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Deep (Mental Status 2)


just different

Views: 461

thinking of thought

processing the processes

deeper into the abyss

that i call the infinite why

and the unknown

only to understand infinity

and the fear there of

My sleepless nights are a rude awakening

i daydream of a nights sleep

i dream of nightmares

though a shallow slumber

i still think deeply

questioning the questions

and answering them with the same

fueling my insanity

only to drive me insane

analyzing my analysis

equalizing equations

broadening the horizon

that i call the infinite if

and the lack there of

for the price of life is always death

but is living always worth dying

therefore is life worth living

though our deep sleep awaits

some are still extremely shallow

trying to rip the tides

like the moon isn't to blame

gassing up our egos

only to drive us insane

facing defacing

while believing the unbelievable

drifting farther into my trance

that i call the infinite i

So much growth to be grown

through understanding the inner me

whats now and what was

though sometimes i lose my findings

finding new ways to lose my way

all to find a new way

searching for direction

i guess i need directions

before i go any deeper

for my sights were set on plane

its really deep how sanity

is what drives us insane

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thekae says:

Deep and meaningful. I like what you did here●●●

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sonofsun5211 says:

why thank you mah...

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royale jones says:

thank you for just sharing this peice. man love the thoughts roaming the page great write!

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