PoeticallyGifted | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6500
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been gone for about 5 months. ive written a lot. but i felt compelled to share my new piece "The Heart's Deception".

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Views: 214

sit down and listen to my true words
don't cover your ears, yeah i know how much the truth hurts
"*** you"'s flying everywhere
the sound of gunshots fill the air
i just don't understand you people
you need to realize God made us as equals
people say judging is wrong, but they're judging people for judging others
people need to stop being enemies and see each other as sisters & brothers
we're all living in hypocrisy
oh, you aren't? stop right there, you're lying to me
others opinions are irrelevant
if they dont give me any benefits
say something that'll make me want to improve, something that'll give me water in my drought 
don't bring me words of negativity and judgement, because i wont have a *** to give out
if i go to church, ill get judged
if i go astray, ill get judged
if i speak my opinion, im told to shut the *** up
but let me pick up, where i left off
everyone's asking "where the love at?"
lets start giving love first, and others will learn to love back
these days it seems theres no time for that
but apparently theres time to stab our brethren in the backs
changes ain't gonna happen when "but thats none of my business" is recited more often then the 10 Commandments
we ain't achieving , i suggest we change our tactics

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Great share.....ONE

PoeticallyGifted says:

im sorry. what?

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