Deep in slumber,
I'm awakened
Not sure why
I try to go back
To sleep but my body
Won't let me.
Void of growth
I can feel the emptiness
That rules my inner regions.
It hurts a little but I'm okay
Night time lullabies do their best
To ease my heart and mind.
It's a little after 6 am now
Everything is still dark
Except my screen's light.
Loved ones sleeping nearby
A gentle whisper brings
Assurance of peaceful sleeping
A cycling furnace keeps us
Comfortable as the winter
Night gives way to a new day.
Sounds of rainwater echoes
From the street
As early morning folks
Start their day
It must have rained during the night.
Sunrise will be here soon
And with it another grace filled day.
I remain wide awoke like
The night watchman
Overseeing their post.
Hues of bluish grays backdrop
The amber reflection of the street light
As they slowly though simultaneously
Change shifts and daylight
Mans it's post.
It's still raining a bit
Water droplets saturate
My window screens
As they quench nature's thirst.
It's now 7:14 am
My bedroom partially lightens
Just enough to bring out
It's content's faded shadows.
A growling gut constantly
Nags at me but I ignore it.
I prefer to stay where I am
For as long as I can.
Which is soon short lived
Since everyone is up now.
Writing will continue
Throughout the day
But for now I must start.
It's 7:43 am
Although I couldn't sleep much
Through the night
The realization of a more apparent
Purpose was at hand.
It started with an internal feeling
And evolved into this write.
I love watching the sky light up.